This is a concept drawing for a new story idea based on a childhood memory from when I was living in Germany, attending a Department of Defense school.
"The Contest" Jessica Boehman, 2023. Watercolor, ink, acrylic ink, and digital.
A pitch for a book for my friend, a poet, for his new volume of poems. While the illustration won't get used, it was really fun to try to harness imagery from a poem of the same name. Thanks for the chance, Juan!
"Golondrina con Ojo del Papa (For Juan and his Pop)" Jessica Boehman, 2023. Watercolor, acrylic ink, and digital ink. I had the pleasure to illustrate a poster for our music department, the second in a series. (Last year, it was the Art of Guitar).
I've been taking both guitar and voice lessons for nearly the last two years, so this poster was inspired by how my awesome voice coach helps us to visualize breath and sound moving through a body. It's been so lovely learning new skills late in life, and finding my own, very new relationship to music. Art of the Voice, Jessica Boehman, digital drawing, acrylic ink, and watercolor. 2023. I drew this back in the summer and knew it was missing something. The girl's pose was decidedly mythological, and made me think of Michelangelo, so I modified my original drawing to have it make better sense in my brain. The original looked like this: This is what it became.
"Leda on the R Train" Jessica Boehman, 2023. Watercolor and digital drawing. Buy a beautiful print here. "I Could Have Sworn I Saw Fireworks" Jessica Boehman, 2022. Watercolor and digital drawing.
NOT FOR SALE. This is a modification of a drawing I made for an old pen pal, at the request of her sister.
"To Find a Friend" Jessica Boehman, 2022, colored pencil. pencil. gouache. and digital. Buy a print here. I traveled to Rome this summer to teach a study abroad course, and ten days into my trip, I fell ill with COVID-19 for the first time. I was down for the count for ten days of positivity, and after about five weeks, I am mostly back to normal. Luckily, in my long quarantine, I had a beautiful view, so I made some color studies. Here are two of my favorites plus one that I stared before quarantine and finished during. I focused on capturing color and not form. "Supermoon (The Thunder Moon, July 2022), Jessica Boehman, digital "The Capitoline Hill, 4am" Jessica Boehman, July 2022. Watercolor and digital. Dawn was coming on. "High altar, Santa Maria in Campitelli" Jessica Boehman, July 2022. Digital.
I finished this drawing in Rome this summer, but only have now returned to Brooklyn to post the image.
It's inspired by the annual fireworks party at my sister's house in Maryland. There's a tree there on the edge of her property. At night, after the fireworks, all of the fireflies congregate and glow in this tree. I love it. "The Firefly Tree" 2022, watercolor and digital drawing. Buy a print here. |
Hans-My-HedgehogHans-My-Hedgehog Illustrations is the name of Jessica Boehman's blog and illustration shop. It is named after her favorite fairy tale about a hedgehog boy who becomes king of the forest. All other pages redirect to: |